NHS Staff Wellness Week

NHS Staff Wellness Week


I was recently invited by the NHS to be a part of their staff well-being week working with three teams from two different Medical Centre sites. 

Setting up each of the participants work stations, tools and 

The groups truly embraced the creative staff sessions amazingly well, working with colour, design and personalisation to produce their own set of personal stacking bracelets.

As each of the workshops came to a close, it was so rewarding to see the relaxed and smiling faces of each individual who had took the time for their own wellness and pressed the pause button (for just an hour) within their very busy schedules.

As adults we often put aside our needs for relaxation, and neglect time for us - but at the HMJ Creative Workshops you’re encouraged and assured ‘you time’ is a necessity of life!

Thank you to the amazing NHS Staff teams at the Princes Medical Centre and the Bransholme Medical Centre, I thoroughly enjoyed meeting and creatively working with all. 

Also a huge thank you to the lovely Noor at the NHS, for booking HMJ to run these creative sessions, it really is appreciated and I can’t wait to return in July for more! 

If your team of staff would like to create at one of our HMJ staff development workshops, please do get in touch for more details.

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